Sunday, March 18, 2018

General Problem Solver

General Problem Solver

           The General Problem Solver (GPS) was an AI program proposed by Herbert Simon, J.C.Shaw, and Allen Newell. It was the first useful computer program that came into existence in the AI world. The goal was to make it work as a universal problem-solving machine. Of course there were many software programs that existed before, but these programs performed specific tasks only. GPS was the first program that was intended to solve any general problem. GPS was supposed to solve all the problems using the same base algorithm for every problem.

To program the GPS, the authors created a new language called Information Processing Language (IPL). The basic premise is to express any problem with a set of well-formed formulas. These formulas would be a part of a directed graph with multiple sources and sinks. In a graph, the source refers to the starting node and the sink refers to the ending node. In the case of GPS, the source refers to axioms and the sink refers to the conclusions.

Even though GPS was intended to be a general purpose, it could only solve well-defined problems, such as proving mathematical theorems in geometry and logic. It could also solve word puzzles and play chess. The reason was that these problems could be formalized to a reasonable extent. But in the real world, this quickly becomes intractable because of the number of possible paths you can take. If it tries to brute force a problem by counting the number of walks in a graph, it becomes computationally infeasible.

Solving a problem with GPS

Let's see how to structure a given problem to solve it using GPS:

1.     The first step is to define the goals. Let's say our goal is to get some milk from the grocery store.

2.     The next step is to define the preconditions. These preconditions are in reference to the goals. To get milk from the grocery store, we need to have a mode of transportation and the grocery store should have milk available.

3.     After this, we need to define the operators. If my mode of transportation is a car and if the car is low on fuel, then we need to ensure that we can pay the fueling station. We need to ensure that you can pay for the milk at the store.

An operator takes care of the conditions and everything that affects them. It consists of actions, preconditions, and the changes resulting from taking actions. In this case, the action is giving money to the grocery store. Of course, this is contingent upon you having the money in the first place, which is the precondition. By giving them the money, you are changing your money condition, which will result in you getting the milk.

GPS will work as long as you can frame the problem like we did just now. The constraint is that it uses the search process to perform its job, which is way too computationally complex and time consuming for any meaningful real-world application.